• First the bad news: they are not the most beautiful women on the planet… They are ok, but they are rarely knock-outs. When it comes to the looks department they can’t compete with Venezuelan, Russian, Serbian, Argentinian or Ukrainian women. Their northern neighbours, the Dutch, who speak the same language, but with a different accent, are also more beautiful. This is partly genetics and partly because they are not really trying to impress anyone with their looks. The girl in the picture is actually not very representative to be honest
  • They are quite independent and have decent salaries, so they are not out to hook a guy for their material survival. Hence, they invest less in their looks. They are also more educated, so they have other hobbies than applying ten layers of make-up every morning.
  • They are not very elegant. Think of them as peasant girls with a university degree. They are sweet, they are smart, but they sorely lack the elegance and charm of women in, say, Vienna, Belgrade, Budapest, Moscow, Hanoi…
  • They love absurd humor. So better don’t take things too seriously
  • They are mostly a-religious, so you can’t shock them, any topic can be discussed
  • They are not original in bed, but they will try everything at least once
  • They are very pleasant conversationalists and it’s very easy to spend cosy evenings with them
  • They’re not very ambitious, but most of them have some hobby they devote time to
  • Most of them travel a lot
  • They are spoilt, having grown up in one of the most materially well off countries in history, but of course they don’t realize just how spoilt they are
  • A lot of them are fucked up by their family. Although on the surface Flemish society seems to be about hedonism, drinking, eating, shopping, they are afflicted by a spiritual crisis and lots of families are disfunctional, although they are good at making happy impessions. It’s very likely a Flemish woman comes with some tough emotional bagage. This is less common in other, poorer countries, where people don’t have time for endless self-analysis. They are spoilt, but they don’t realize it.
  • You can be quite cocky with them and say ‘shocking’ things to catch their attention. Humor is VERY appreciated. Especially sarcasm, cynicism and dark and absurd humor
  • Macho behavior will have them mock you. I mean, Flemish guys are the kind of guys that cook, go grocery shopping, have stooped to using hand cream and know their way around a baby in diapers. Machos will not fare well in this country. These women appreciate intelligence
  • Since they lack nothing materially only the particularly snobbish will be impressed by displays of wealth. And trust me, you don’t want to be around those. Luckily they are a tiny minority, most Flemish women are happy with the simple pleasures in life. They tend to eat more than their Eastern European counterparts
  • Gifts are not really necessary to get them into bed, so don’t bother until after you’ve slept with her, as awful as this may sound, this is actually a good thing. You can’t buy her with gifts. If you want to get rejected, shower her with gifts
  • You can be quite feminine in your appearance and attitude. Flemish men are rather effiminate. Whereas Eastern European women are allergic to feminine men, in Flanders they are allergic to macho men. It just reminds them of monkeys, so try not to act like a caveman
  • Flemish women will go further on a first date than women in most other countries. While inviting a girl over for dinner at your place will shock women in Eastern Europe, in Flanders it’s not a big deal and she will likely accept. Are Flemish women easy? Well, yes, they are. This is partly because differences between men and women are very much blurring in Flanders. It’s not uncommon for a Flemish girl to make the first move when it comes to sex, which is unthinkable in lots of other countries
  • She won’t be pressuring you to have babies. Here in Babyslava, I mean, Bratislava, Slovakia it seems every young woman is about to squeeze out a baby, but not so in Flanders, Flemish women are in no rush to have babies, they prefer to enjoy life and are not as quick to pollute the earth as women from other countries. Especially Eastern European women are baby obsessed.
  • Basically:

  • While really no knock-out babes, visually, they are a lot of fun, love humor, will be quick to sleep with you if you are fun and a good listener and feel ok in your own skin, and especially at first they are easy-going.