My mental health blog. A public diary trying to make sense of the world

Aloha! Welcome to my mental health blog, a kind place for all who seek to do some good in this world! Sit back and relax. You will find posts about books, movies, series, documentaries, psychotherapy, language learning, parenting, short stories, novels, relationships & little bits about my expat life as a teacher & coach in Bratislava, Slovakia. May you feel at home here. Be in touch. Much love, William

Learn Dutch in Slovakia/ Učiť sa holandčinu v Bratislave

If you’re interested in learning Dutch in Slovakia, your best option by far, is The Dutch House. We offer several different courses, privately, in groups, or at your firm. Courses are possible seven days a week, at any moment of the day. All our teachers are native speakers or have lived in Belgium or The Netherlands for an extended period of time.

We offer the best quality, our methods ensure you will master the basics of Dutch in three months. In one year you can reach level B1 and in two years you could reach level C1. Our courses are fun, engaging, interactive and tailored to the specific needs of each individual student. Since we are the only language school in Slovakia that focuses exclusively on teaching Dutch we can offer the best quality when it comes to mastering Dutch in the shortest possible time.

Contact us for more information.

Holandčinu sa učte u nás, a po dvanástich týždňoch budete mať základ. Sme prvá škola na Slovensku ktorá sa venuje iba holandčine, a každý náš učiteľ je native speaker.

S pozdravom/Met vriendelijke groeten,

Dom Holandčiny, The Dutch House

Contact us to tell us about your needs and goals.

SK: 00421 915 09 24 12

BE: 0032 477 56 19 96