My mental health blog. A public diary trying to make sense of the world

Aloha! Welcome to my mental health blog, a kind place for all who seek to do some good in this world! Sit back and relax. You will find posts about books, movies, series, documentaries, psychotherapy, language learning, parenting, short stories, novels, relationships & little bits about my expat life as a teacher & coach in Bratislava, Slovakia. May you feel at home here. Be in touch. Much love, William

Need a fixer or interpreter in Slovakia?

Ahoj! Hello!

If you’re looking for a fixer in Slovakia, I’m your man. I have experience working for English, Belgian and Dutch newspapers. I have interpreted for several companies and conferences. As I’m passionate about everything concerning Slovakia and Central-Europe I can really lighten your work load concerning any project you may have here.

I can help you arrange your stay in Slovakia, take you to the best places, tell you about Slovak history, the economy, the political climate, the media and bring you into contact with local politicians, writers, entrepreneurs, etc.

I’m Belgian, but I live in Bratislava, Slovakia. I’m fluent in English, Dutch, French and Slovak, and get along fine in Russian, German and Slovene. I studied Slavic languages at the University of Gent. I run a publishing house, Donkichod, here in Slovakia and teach four different languages through my own school, The Dutch House.

If you need any help in Slovakia, you are warmly invited to contact me through the form below.

I’m in close contact with my good friend and mentor Abram Muller, who is also a fixer for Slovakia, based in the Netherlands. If you need help with Slovak in the Netherlands you can contact him through his page.

Best wishes,
