My mental health blog. A public diary trying to make sense of the world

Aloha! Welcome to my mental health blog, a kind place for all who seek to do some good in this world! Sit back and relax. You will find posts about books, movies, series, documentaries, psychotherapy, language learning, parenting, short stories, novels, relationships & little bits about my expat life as a teacher & coach in Bratislava, Slovakia. May you feel at home here. Be in touch. Much love, William

Stuck in a rut? Start here. 40 of the most powerful questions to ask yourself

40 of the most powerful questions you can ask yourself

1. If you could put something on a billboard all over town what would the message be?

2. What is the thing you could do to increase your income ten times?

3. What is the one thing you could do that would make everything else easier?

4. What impact do you want to have on the world?

5. If you could work only two hours per week what would you do? What kind of work would you be doing for those two hours and what would you do with the rest of the time?

6. What would your life look like if your three top worries had been eliminated? Be as detailed as possible in your answer.

7. What gives you lots of positive energy just thinking about it?

8. Which 5 simple habits could radically improve your life?

9. The five minute rule: you can be mad, sad, angry for 5 minutes, but then you have to move on. What are you going to be mad about? What can you do to use that anger to bring about some positive changes in your own life and in the life of others?

10. What is your greatest gift?

11. What is your greatest talent?

12. Are you hunting mice or antilope? What is meant by this? Are you hunting paycheck after paycheck – mice – or are you working on something that will make sure you won’t have to worry about money anymore – an antilope?

13. What is your most desired achievement?

14. What would your 90 year old self advice you to do now?

15. What do you want your life to be like in 5 years?

16. What would a total genius do in your situation?

17. What problem or pain other people struggle with or want to avoid is easy or even a joy for you to deal with?

18. What are the simplest daily habits you can build to have the most positive impact on your life and those around you?

19. What do you want to know more about than anyone else in the world?

20. What do you want your tombstone to read?

21. If your life was a movie what would be the title?

22. What are you trying to achieve?

Some people are very busy. Say yes to a lot of things. Never seem to rest. And end up accomplishing almost nothing compared to the energy they expend.

That’s because they don’t have a clear idea of where they are heading. This is also why these people often have a nervous, frantic vibe about them.

23. If you’re in a shitty situation how did you help create that situation?

Not all shit that happens to us is our fault, but it is empowering to accept responsibility for what happened. It will help you fix it.

24. What is one thing you can do right now that is going to make your situation a whole lot easier in the long run?

25. Have you really tried to turn your biggest dream into reality?

Alternatively: Do you have bad luck or do you just lack self-discipline?

I mean, sorry, but in most cases people don’t achieve their goals because they lack self-discipline.

This would mean they are lazy.

But I think being lazy can be translated as: their goals don’t motivate them enough.

26. What activity really makes you come alive?

There is no way around it. If you want to get the most of this human experience the thing that makes you feel the happiest and the most excited should be a central part of your daily life.

27. What do you fear most of all?

28. What have you accomplished so far? What has gone well in your life so far? What are you proud of?

29. What is your weakness?

30. Who would feel the most pain if you died today?

31. What would you change if you could?

32. What is your next big decision?

33. If you never had to work again what would you be doing right now?

34. Are you nice to other people? I mean really nice. Not fake nice so they will like you or leave you alone. I mean nice in a way that that person will be glad he or she met you today. Are you?

35. Is it time to simply give up on that thing you keep postponing?

36. They say you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. Let’s for a minute assume this is true. So what does that make you?

37. When were you the happiest ever?

38. When’s the last time you couldn’t stop laughing?

39. Can you think of anyone who did something really nice for you in the past and whom you forgot to thank for their kindness?

40. What is missing in your life? What are the steps you can take to bring it into your life?


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