A rich man doesn not have to tell you he is rich. Pathological victimhood. Israeli society sees the world through the lens of: ‘we have always suffered and we are not going to take it lying down anymore.’ It’s the bullied who become the bullies. There are two kinds of bullied. Those who, as soon as the bullying stops, become the defender of others who are bullied, and those who, once they are no longer the target, swing the opposite way and become the bully. This is sometimes called ‘destructive right.’ It was done to me, so now I have the right to do the same to others.

Children of toxic parents have the same reactions. Some children of toxic parents come out of their harrowing childhoods and decide to be different. To give their children what their parents couldn’t give them and to not do any of the toxic shit that was done to them. Others, however, adopt the toxic parenting style and inflict the same traumas on their own children, because it was done to them. The same reaction you see in older voters. Some vote with the intention to give young people an easier life than they had and some voters want young people to suffer just as much as they did. It’s clear which path Israel has chosen. It was done to our people, so now we will do it others.

This is why you can see IDF soldiers enjoy their brutal tasks so much, this is why they don’t mind filming everything and sharing their cruelty with the world. They are proud of it. This is also why so many Israeli social media users and non-Israeli social media rulers with the same kind of reaction to their individual trauma, react with so much mocking, with so much sadism, why they try to hurt those that stand with Palestine. These are deeply hurt people who are lashing out. A tiny minority may believe that their very survival is at stake and that this is the reason why Israel now has to crack down on Palestinians in the most vicious fashion. The others are giddy with sadist ecstasy. It’s now my turn to deal out suffering, like the suffering that was dealt to me and my ancestors, real or imagined.

A rich man doesn’t have to tell you he is rich. A powerful army does not have to show you its strength. That is why we are seeing the IDF share the most hilarious videos of them pretending to be in the thickest of the fighting when it’s obvious there is no enemy in sight. A self-confident soldier does not have to fake a broad smile and gleefully twinkling eyes when he bulldozes a school. Only a deeply insecure shell of a man has to prove his ‘prowess’ that way. The same goes for the female soldiers. Female north-Vietnamese or female Vietcong soldiers did not feel the need to pose in full combat gear and play ‘girl bosses’, they knew they were battle hardened, seasoned warriors who could take on the world’s most advanced army. I would take 100 of those Vietnamese women to fight a war over 10,000 of those Israeli puppet soldiers who seem more concerned with feeding their social media accounts than do any actual fighting.

We are witnessing a total wimp of an army playing tough. Smashing souvenir stores, burning the little food they can find, bragging on camera about what they intend to do with Gaza. There is no doubt in my mind that if the IDF had to face a army with equipment on par with theirs their only way to win would be to resort to nuclear weapons. That threat is way more real than it ever was with North-Korea. These are arrogant wimps. They will take the whole world with them rather than be humiliated again. This toxic sense of victimhood, this never ending exploitation of what was done to them is ironically helping them dig their own grave. As soon as they are done spit roasting Gaza their internal weaknesses will come to haunt them. Pride always comes before the fall.