Wednesdays. A 90 minute online class with a Slovak lady whose English is nearly flawless now. A 90 minute walk outside with a Czech student. That way he has an English lesson, but also gets some exercise. A 60 minute class with a student in the Carribean. A 60 minute lesson with a Slovak student about to move to The Netherlands. A 60 minute lesson with a young woman who wants to become a physician. A 90 minute coaching session with a 32 year old man who due to confidence issues only started dating two years ago and only after some very intense coaching. And then at 21.30 I have my own Ukrainian lesson. In between I prioritize spending time with my son. At night I can’t fall asleep because I see wounded kids in Gaza and all the things people tell me flash through my head. My clients usually share their problems, I don’t mind at all, half of the time that’s the whole point, but I’d be lying if I said it doesn’t affect me. That’s one of the reasons why when someone asks for a discount I have ZERO qualms about immediately saying no. I love my job, but it’s not Spielerei. And of course there are the little frustrations known to every person who’s ever lived. I don’t need to list them for you.

An American friend wrote me this morning and asked if I am enjoying my life.

I consider myself blessed in many ways, but I can’t say am really enjoying myself. I even doubt life can ever be about enjoyment. What I can say is that over the years I have learned to dance in the rain.

Don’t take that too literally.

The only people with less dancing skills than me are IDF ‘soldiers’.

I don’t know why, but this picture of Laurel and Hardy goes well with my mood.