I tried to capture what I saw several times. This is the longer version. The shorter version went way more viral on Twitter than the longer version, but that shouldn’t surprise anyone.

A young girl on a hospital floor. Twisting and turning in excruciating pain. Both legs reduced to bloody stumps. Wild eyed. Perhaps screaming inside ‘what did I do?’. Her butt burned off. Her genitals seemed burned as well. Covered in dust. We know there is no water. We know there is no anesthesia. Folks who had the last bit of empathy and human dignity squeezed out of them by forces unknown comment: ‘Her parents voted for Hamas.’ or ‘So what? Hamas did the same on October 7th’. To be fine with the most extreme variant of pain a human being is able to feel all inflicted upon someone who hours ago was just a blossoming young girl who had dreams and aspirations and wanted to learn and grow surrounded by her loved ones.

Will she survive? Will she go through the worst hell a person can go through for the next three or four days? Alone, with the screaming of others wounded like her drowning out her own screaming? Dying alone in a hospital turned into complete pandemonium, wishing her parents would show up… My dear fellow human beings, this is what we are allowing and there are people using what little intelligence and creativity they have to tell us that this is the right thing to do, that in fact it is to be applauded. No, a thousand times no, other ways need to be found asap to put a stop to the dying and suffering on BOTH sides

A pro-Palestinian comment read: ‘You lost me at both sides’. And then something about how only lies come out of Israel.

So this is what Moshe also discovered there are quite a lot of categories of pro-Palestinian people or anti-Israel people if you wish to label them that way.

For example, I don’t deny that people inside Israel died on October 7th. I also don’t deny that the majority of these deaths were caused by Palestinians, either members of Hamas or Palestinians who took advantage of the chaos caused by Hamas to take part in the rampage.

I don’t think Israel lies about everything. I do think that all nations spread propaganda at a time of war or when dealing with a conflict.

I don’t think Israel should be wiped from the map.

I don’t know if I would opt to combat Israel militarily if I were the supreme and unquestioned leader of Gaza and all Palestinians had to do what I said. Maybe on some days the answer is yes and on some days it’s no.

I doubt I would park rocket launchers in hospitals if I did choose to resist violently. I think that in an all out war it makes some tactical sense to do this, if I leave morals entirely out of the equation, but I can see some benefits to not doing it as well. I don’t think it’s tactically sound to give Israel’s reasons for saying that Hamas is using its own population as human shields.

I don’t know the ground well enough to know from which locations Hamas can launch rockets without immediately being ripped apart by counterfire from Israel.

I don’t know if the use of rockets makes the most sense if one does want to fight back. Like I told Moshe during our third conversation I want to think about this. I understand that many will find it disgusting that I even need time to consider this and don’t outright say that using rockets is completely the wrong path.

From a purely military point of view I think any military forces the Palestinians in Gaza have are very limited as to what they can do.

To expect them to fight conventionally is to ask them to be mowed down in droves in a few days tops. I am sure Israel would prefer them to fight ‘fair’. That’s the whole point of guerilla warfare, to exhaust your enemy, to drive your enemy insane, force them to make mistakes.

The way Hamas wages guerrilla war has aspects that I find extremely reprehensible.

Again, am not saying resisting violently is the best option, but if that option is embraced then I would much prefer it if Hamas only targeted soldiers.